Volenti non fit injuria - "Injury is not done to the willing." Notion that a person cannot bring a claim against another for injury, if said person willingly placed themselves in a situation where they knew injury could result.⏎
Ultra posse nemo obligatur - "No one is obligated (to do) more than he can." Specifies that one should do what he can to support the community, but since everyone has different levels of ability, it cannot be expected that all will perform the same.⏎
Sententia quae in rem iudicatam transit, pro veritate habetur - When a definitive sentence is declared, it is considered to be the truth. In the case of a sentence in rem iudicatam (that finally consents to consider a judgement completed), its content will then be the only legally relevant consideration of a fact.⏎
Res ipsa loquitur - "The thing speaks for itself." Used in tort law when there is no proof of what caused the harm, but it is most likely only the thing that could have caused the harm.⏎