Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali - There can be neither crime nor punishment unless there is a penal law first.⏎
Prout patet per recordum - "As appears in the record." Used to cite something that has already been admitted into the record. It was frequently used in pleadings, generally abbreviated "prout &c.", to indicate that a fact was supported by documentary evidence. Failure to use this phrase correctly could be a fatal defect and so cause a case to fail.[7]⏎
Prius quam exaudias ne iudices - Before you hear, do not judge.⏎
Qui facit per alium facit per se - "Who acts through another, acts himself." One who delegates a task to another, takes full responsibility for the performance of that act as if he himself had done it. Basis for the law of agency.⏎