Dura lex, sed lex - "The law [is] harsh, but [it is] the law". It follows from the principle of the rule of law that even draconian laws must be followed and enforced; if one disagrees with the result, one must seek to change the law.⏎
Dubia in meliorem partem interpretari debent - "Doubtful things should be interpreted in the best way". Often spoken as "to give the benefit of the doubt".⏎
Consuetudo pro lege servatur - "Custom is held as law". Where no laws apply to a given situation, the customs of the place and time will have the force of law.⏎
Delegatus non potest delegare - That which has been delegated cannot delegate further.⏎
Cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos - Used in reference to the rights of property owners to the air above, and land below, their property.⏎